Monday, April 12, 2010

Improving, yet horrible.

My foray into the wet, wild world of swimming continues...

Last Wednesday was my first session in the pool here at work.  It was recently renovated, new filter, etc. and the facilities are great.  Yet another perk of being a panther.  My plan was to time myself doing a quarter mile and then do a few cool down laps after as well.  I knew my time was going to be kinda funny based on my open water experiences in Aruba a few weeks ago but damn...I'm slow in the water.

So this is somewhat embarrassing to put in print, the only reason I'm doing it is because when I eventually conquer swimming looking back to see where I came from will be very satisfying.  I have been using the 2009 results of the race I am eyeing to gauge where I'm at with the new sports to my quiver.  Based on those results my time from last Wednesday puts me in at 310th out of 314 competitors in the swim leg.

I knew it would be bad....I did not know it would be THAT bad.  I barely squeeked out a guy in the M80-84 age bracket.  Somewhat disheartening to say the least.

BUT on the flip side I was in the pool again today and I have already cut 4mins off that time putting me in about 293rd of 314.

My plan is now to be in the pool twice a week for the foreseeable future to try and get my deficiency under wraps.  I should put up a top 50 time on the bike at least and my run is easily top 100 now and hopefully pushing top 50 by July but as it stands that won't matter squat if I'm getting out of the water with the 80 year olds. (no offense to said 80 year olds...if I was 80+ and completing Sprint tri's in under 3hrs I would be telling all the 20-30 somethings to suck it)


  1. ahaha these tri training updates are getting good!

  2. yeah I thought you would get a kick out of that. it is amazing how certain kinds of fitness just dont translate at all.

    I am getting faster on the bike and run everyday and I'm probably in some of the best shape of my life...yet barely able to not DFL in the swim

  3. time for a speedo

  4. or, nothing at DRAG

  5. or COCK!


  6. lets keep it PG-13 double D

    my mom reads this blog haha

  7. sorry all....forgot what blog i was posting on....i thought you have to approve those puppies before posting?

    ps. sorry mrs. O

  8. uh oh...

    do you have a paypal account?

  9. I do have to approve them haha...I am going for full transparency.

    It's very trendy right now.
